Tamara (Bordello of Blood) Tamara (Once Upon a Time) Tamara Chambers.
Tamara is an antagonist who appears in the second season of the ABC fantasy show Once Upon a Time. Greg reveals they wanted to put an end to magic, but found something much more valuable—him. The core themes of the show are hope and optimism. Horowitz told The Hollywood Reporter that they had a conscious purpose to "do a show that had optimism at its heart", as they "felt like there was so much darkness in the … Peter Pan was the main antagonist of Season 3 from " The Heart of the Truest Believer " until " Going Home ". His father is teaching him how to make a lanyard keychain, and then gives him an already finished one, which Kurt made … At some point in her life, Tamara grew to hate all magic beings on Earth. Though Henry's family rush to save to stop them, they are not fast enough. In Selfless Brave True. Get exclusive videos, blogs, photos, cast bios, free episodes Tamara and Greg Mendell were the main antagonists of Season 2 from " Welcome to Storybrooke " until " And Straight On 'Til Morning ". Elle retourne à l'entrepôt et presse son amant de se dépêcher, estimant qu'il leur reste peu de temps avant qu'Emma ne doute d'elle.Greg et Tamara expliquent leur mission à Regina: détruire toute forme de magie.Elle observe, non sans inquiétude, Regina se tordre de douleur sous les effets des décharge électriques. To both questions, Greg remains tight-lipped, and stresses they don't need to know much about the Home Office, and believing in their cause alone is enough. Tamara is one of the supporting characters of Once Upon a Time.Thanks to the manipulations of Peter Pan and his faithful Lost Boys, Tamara was led into believing that magic was unholy and that our world had to be cleansed of it. She is played by Sonequa Martin-Green. Tamara was a recurring character in "Once Upon a Time". Elle montre le contenu de celui-ci à Greg, et il s'agit d'un homme prisonnier : le.Tamara et Greg demandent l'aide de Crochet.Tamara et Greg emmènent leur prisonnier au sommet de la.Tamara rassure Emma de garder le secret sur l'existence de la magie.Le lendemain matin, alors que Tamara vient prendre une commande au.Tamara promet à Greg de quitter Neal une fois leur mission menée à bien.Après avoir emmené Regina dans un entrepôt sur les.Tamara rejoint Neal et Emma, prétextant faire un footing.Lorsque Tamara comprend que Greg souhaite résoudre une affaire personnelle en torturant Regina, elle quitte l'entrepôt et part courir sur la plage, où elle aperçoit Emma et Neal. After he is dead, she grabs back the photo of herself and her grandmother before leaving. Alors que l'écrivain comprend qu'elle est la fiancée de Neal, il pense qu'elle vient voler la magie en ville, mais elle refuse de lui dévoiler ses intentions.

At some point in her life, Tamara grew to hate all magic beings on Earth.Before she became engaged to Neal Cassidy (Baelfire), Tamara tracked down and murdered many magical beings. If you're uncertain which one you're looking for, just flip a coin. I felt as though the writers (Adam and Eddy) wanted Peter Pan and when they got the approval they merged the Home Office and Peter ...OK, fair enough. Tamara is a human woman who believes that magic is unholy, and should be abolished. However, if they ''had ''made a season about the Home Office, what would it have been like?

Tamara was a recurring character in "Once Upon a Time". (\"Lacey… She eventually takes back this photo after she kills The Dragon. The core themes of the show are hope and optimism. She came to a man named the Dragon, pretending to have an rare terminal cancer that only magic could cure. Tamara was using Baelfire/Neal. Desperate to save his own life, Hook aligns himself away from Tamara and Greg and gives away their location in helping David to steal back the remaining beans.

Tamara is a human woman who believes that magic is unholy, and should be abolished. Tamara interrupts to bring attention to the communicator's ineffectiveness, to which Greg opens the battery case to discover it's filled with sand.Shocked, she murmurs in disbelief of the current situation. Hook tackles Greg to the ground; causing the bottle to break on the floor. Elle explique avoir analysé le contenu de la fiole et n'avoir trouvé aucun matériau identifié dans ce.Tamara fait la rencontre de Neal, après avoir renversé son café.Un mois plus tard, Tamara observe au loin August Booth discuter avec un homme, se prénommant,Plusieurs mois plus tard, elle accourt vers Neal à.À la demande de Henry, Tamara lui raconte sa rencontre avec Neal.À la demande de Neal, Tamara accepte de quitter son appartement New-yorkais afin de la rejoindre à,À leur départ, Tamara félicite Neal de ressembler à son fils. Elle propose à Emma de l'appeler si besoin puis embrasse Neal avant de partir. Profile Background.

Emma bumps into Tamara at Granny's Diner and sees that she has a list of Storybrooke's residents and their fairytale identities in her purse, and when Tamara states herself trustworthy, Emma uses her "superpower" to determine that she's lying. Elle le pousse à partir en lui confiant les clés de sa voiture.Quelques minutes plus tard, alors qu'August a fait demi-tour pour retourner à Storybrooke, elle débranche les fils téléphoniques du.Neal se tourne vers sa fiancée après le départ de sa famille, raccompagnant Marco et Pinocchio chez eux. Alors qu'il demande à Tamara de quitter les lieux afin qu'on ne les surprenne pas, la jeune femme refuse, et révèle à son amant avoir laissé un « paquet » mystérieux en dehors de la ville. When Greg's partner Tamara eventually arrives in Storybrooke, together they plan to destroy Storybrooke, as it is the only place on Earth where magic is present. Greg, having once escaped from Storybrooke when he was a child while his father,Believing Hook can be of some use to gain Regina's trust, they bring the pirate to the top of the,On orders from the Home Office, Greg and Tamara are to kidnap Henry and bring him to,Landing on the shores of Neverland's island, Tamara tries to use a communicator to reach the Home Office, but it isn't working.