Chapters 11–12,- Pashtunwali focuses on principles of hospitality, justice, honor, courage, pride, and forgiveness. The Americans financed his fight against the communist Russians while mujahideen (resistance fighters) poured into Pakistan from all corners of the Muslim world. Malala by Malala Yousafzai - Part II: Chapters 9 - 10 summary and analysis.malala its effectiveness in communicating malalas story through a discussion of the following topics the best study guide to i am malala on the planet from the creators of sparknotes Topics: Summary.

Malala is proud that she was named after the woman everyone calls the Pashtun Joan of Arc.

Through personal anecdotes, Malala gives readers an intimate look into her life. Even at an early age, Malala remembers chafing against the limitations placed upon girls.Malala confesses that her father stutters and that her paternal grandfather, Rohul Amin, made Ziauddin's struggles worse during his childhood. Barkana is...The biggest technique I can think of that accomplishes both of these tasks is personal anecdote. For example, Ziauddin's courage to pursue his own path was inspired by his mother's faith in his...The preface (“Birmingham, England, June 2015”) introduces the subject of the book and establishes the continued importance of Malala's work through the Malala Fund. Although she contextualizes her personal story within the events that occurred in her native Pakistan during...In I Am Malala, the theme of family or community is closely related to the theme of courage. He asked, \"Who is Malala?\" When the girls in the bus looked at Malala, he pulled out … Malala reports that during the sum...The bus driver drives Malala straight to the hospital. Suddenly, General Zia became the darling of the West. Every village is ruled by a khan, who is both landlord and warlord.

In.Course Hero. The leader is Maulana F...Focusing on her studies helps Malala cope with these difficult times. Chapters 1–2,- Prologue,- Home; Stores; About us; Products Ziauddin hears ...Malala wakes up on October 16, a week after the attack. She says she was shot by a member of the Taliban and flown from Pakistan while she was unconscious. Malala and her family live in Mingora, the largest town in the Swat Valley. She notes that she left her ...The title of Part 1, "Before the Taliban," indicates that these events take place in the first 11 years of Malala's li...Malala's mother attended school until age six. Ziauddin, however, was able to attend college. In chapter 4, we learn that Malala and her family often traveled to Barkana for the holidays.

Then, when Ziauddin was ten, the Russians invaded nearby Afghanistan. While many people know this about her, they do not know the circumstances that led to this moment, Malala and her family live in Mingora, the largest town in the Swat Valley. He is the principal and owner of the Khushal School as well as a frequent participant in literary societies and Pashtun.jirgas (tribal councils). Part 2, Chapters 13–15: Ziauddin receives a call from a friend who works for BBC radio in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Chapters 16–18,- Ziauddin's mother nurtured his love for words, and her faith in him led him to forge his own path in life. Islam did not come to the Swat Valley until Mahmud of Ghazni's invasion in the eleventh century. Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.

Though the birth of a girl is rarely celebrated in Pakistan, Malala’s father, Ziauddin, rejoiced and named her after the Afghan heroine Malalai of Maiwand. Need help with Chapter 2: My Father the Falcon in Malala Yousafzai's I Am Malala? Prologue, Chapters 1 and 2 The Prologue opens with Malala’s words that her country was “created at midnight” and that she almost died “just after midday.” She says a year has passed since the day she left for school for the final time. Rohul Amin was a local imam and high school theology teacher. News of the attack spreads quickly around town. She develops rivalries wi...Malala describes the house of a tall and handsome man who lived across the street from her school, who called himself ...When the Taliban arrives in the Swat Valley, it doesn't resemble the Afghani Taliban at first. The sanctity of female virtue is also a valued principle in the Pashtunwali code....What is the author's point of view and purpose in I Am Malala?Where do we see the themes of family and community in I Am Malala?In I Am Malala, why is there a preface and a prologue?Why did Malala visit her familial village?In the book I Am Malala, what devices or techniques does Malala use in order to tell her message...Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race.