Count your own blessings, not someone else's. The following quotes reflect the same …. “When you pray for your enemies and bless … Trust God and believe in good things to come.”,“... it’s a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return.”,“The problem that we have with a victim mentality is that we forget to see the blessings of the day. Look within. The only people that really matter in life are the people that can “see” your heart and rejoice with you.”,“When God takes out the trash, don't go digging back through it. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. Blessings, they are all around us, you just need to become more aware of them. “At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we’re going through.”. – Publilius Syrus. And I just want to get to know in my self. Embrace your blessings.

Nothing stimulates our appetite for the simple joys of life more than the starvation caused by sadness or desperation. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.”,“Even seasonal situations can bring with them lessons that last a lifetime. In order to complete our amazing life journey successfully, it is vital that we turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, and find the blessing in every curse.”,“Blessings be on this house," Granny said, perfunctorily. Count your own blessings, not someone else's. Download this free eBook On Goals!Subscribe now and receive a free eBook on Goals! With all the moments shared, including that of love, respect, hatred, and fights, we know that a blessing of being around people who accept us irrespective of all our goof-ups, is irreplaceable. Share your enthusiasm. Having someone to love – is a family. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come. 8. 7. You keep walking. “Concentrate on counting your blessings and you’ll have little time to count anything else.”. Trust Him.”,Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience,A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Writings,To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings,Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny,Yoga and Vipassana: An Integrated Life Style,The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass. Simplify. “God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to let the wrong people walk away.”. God won't deny you a spiritual experience because you are not a spiritual leader. 33. Because of this, our spirit is poisoned instead of nourished.”,“Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.”,“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.”,“God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. “The greatest blessing the whole world is being a blessing.” Jack Hyles “When God blesses you financially, don’t raise your standard of living. You keep trying. I don’t have a talking body I don’t want to harm my self. … It is so easy to lose focus on what you do have and start dwelling on what you lack, but you must stop this sort of thinking as it is detrimental to your success.

Within ourselves we all have the gifts and talents we need to fulfill the purpose we've been blessed with.”,“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. “I declare that I will be a blessing to others.”. May these quotes inspire you to only focus on your blessings.Thank you so much for your response may God bless you abundantly.I just want to now see if I can get really blessed my self today. It concentrated people's minds on what other things might be on this house.”,“Free yourself from the complexities and drama of your life. “Don’t think of the things you didn’t get after praying. James Brown. Think of the countless blessings God gave you without asking.”. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. “Count your blessings, not your problems. Dance and sing to your music. There will be Pharisees in your life that will laugh it off, deny that it happened, or will mock your experience based on righteousness they think you don't possess. Anonymous. and be the first to receive all the latest updates!© Copyright 2015-2020 - AwakenTheGreatnessWithin,30 Inspirational Quotes On Taking Control Of Your Life,35 Inspirational Lucy Hale Quotes On Success,35 Inspirational Benicio Del Toro Quotes On Success.Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. If the love doesn’t last, it prepares you for the one that will.”,“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.”,“This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.”,“Those born to wealth, and who have the means of gratifying every wish, know not what is the real happiness of life, just as those who have been tossed on the stormy waters of the ocean on a few frail planks can alone realize the blessings of fair weather.”,“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”,“When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness... all the good things.”,“Don't you quit. Have you used one of them to say thank you?”,“We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Raise your standard of giving.” Mark Batterson “God didn’t add another day to your life because you needed it. It will be all right in the end. I am a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and personal development over the past five years through self-education. Be a Blessing to Others.

Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.“Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.“Count your blessings, not your problems. “Having a place to go – is a home. “I just thank God for all the blessings.”. Our friends I’m on too many tablets I don’t want my words poking on my wall our my self can you help I need help for my self healthy back as Diane Docherty,Hi Diane, I’m not entirely sure what you said but let me try and help.My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin.

34. A hero is someone who is willing to help others in his or her best capacity. “Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.”. Welcome back.