The North, with its great port cities, began to focus on industry. In the South, cotton plantations were very profitable, at least until overplanting leached most of the nutrients from the soil. Advances in processing the fiber, from Eli Whitney’s cotton gin to the development of power looms and the sewing machine, increased demand for cotton to export from the South to England and the mills of New England. More than 100,000 volumes have been written concerning the four years of active warfare, but many fewer have been done concerning the four decades that led to it. Essentially, men who would have been otherwise capable of performing other skilled jobs were nonetheless relegated to field work because of the nature of the system. These elegant mansions were built in th… Therefore, it’s best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publication’s requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites:Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps.Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.Hampton, Connecticut

By 1815,As a result of the very different businesses in the North and,The antebellum period was also marked by increased public activism. Plantation owners were able to obtain large tracts of land for little money, particularly after the Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830… Its economy was strong and diverse, and Americans had a lot to offer other countries.In colonial times, the southern and northern areas of the country had diverse economies. ".The plantation era, while it was in large part the source of the South's initial economic prosperity, was also the reason why the South lagged in productivity starting in the early-to-mid-19th century. The antebellum period in the United States was the time period before the American Civil War, which began in 1861. The southern economy was characterized by a low level of capital accumulation (largely labor-based) and a shortage of liquid capital, which, when aggravated by the need to concentrate on a few staples, the pervasive anti-industrial and anti-urban ideology, and the reduction of southern banking, led to a South dependent on export trade. In colonial times, the southern and northern areas of the country had diverse economies. Newspaper publisher and abolitionist Likewise, in order to remain within the same class, members of the master class (and each subsumed class below) must expand their claim on revenues derived from the slave labor surplus.One example of England utilizing the American colonies for economic gain was,Many claim that being a part of the British mercantilist system was in the best economic interest of the American colonies as well, as they would not have been able to survive as independent economic entities. In examining class relations and the banking system in the South, the economic exploitation of slave labor can be seen to arise from a need to maintain certain conditions for the existence of slavery and from a need for each of the remaining social strata to remain in status quo. Each, however, soon established areas of specialization that reflected regional differences. antebellum roughly translates as 'before the war' and is generally accepted to mean the period leading up to the American Civil War. With the last of the military threats gone, the United States turned its attention to building a strong nation.
An example of pioneering comparative work was "A Jamaica Slave Plantation,Phillips argued that large-scale plantation slavery was inefficient and not progressive. Author Lewis Leary

As this time period brought profound changes, conflict, cultural excitement, and experimentation. Because the plantation system mainly required a large volume of unskilled labor, the South did not have the human capital to succeed when the plantation era was over. In contrast to the economies of the North and West, which relied primarily on their own domestic markets, because the southern domestic market consisted primarily of plantations, southern states imported sustenance commodities from the West and manufactured goods from the North.The five major commodities of the southern agricultural economy were cotton, grain, tobacco, sugar, and rice, with the production of the leading,Phillips addressed the unprofitability of slave labor and slavery's ill effects on the southern economy. The Antebellum Period in the late 1700s increased rebellion, similar to the Roaring 20’s era of growth and reform. "Antebellum era" redirects here. This period in the South's history was marked by the economic growth of the region, largely due to its heavy reliance on slavery, and of its political influence on the U.S. federal government. For other uses, see.Enslaved African people made up a large portion of the southern population.Haywood, C. Robert.

there is disagreement about when the term should 1st be applied but generally speaking the term is used when discussing the rise of economic/political/social differences between N & S inc slavery. It is most often described as the period between the War of 1812 and the Civil War, and it is most often used … Died February 3, 1895 Author of the influential book white, landowning, slave-owning) had to compete with other members of the master class to maximize the surplus labor extracted from slaves. Horace Greeley Each, however, soon established areas of specialization tha… With the exception of,The conclusion that, while both the North and the South were characterized by a high degree of inequality during the plantation era, the.While the two largest classes in the South included land- and slave-owners and slaves, various strata of social classes existed within and between the two. It had reached its geographical limits by 1860 or so, and therefore eventually had to fade away (as happened in,Phillips contended that masters treated slaves relatively well; his views on that issue were later sharply rejected by,Much of the antebellum South was rural and, in line with the plantation system, largely agricultural.