It was agreed that one squad should carry in the mother's tea, and another bring it out.

They did not feel like playing, yet the time dragged heavily, and they sat about listless and sober.

Bhaer put Rob down, and, standing up, put his arm round his tall nephew's shoulder, as he said, with a look of genuine pleasure,"This makes my hard day easier, and gives me confidence in you all. "Bear up, Aunty, it's a hard blow; but we'll weather it somehow;" cheered her more than the sloppy cup he brought her, full of tea as bitter as if some salt tear of his own had dropped into it on the way. No more now, I cannot bear it," and Mr. Bhaer went hastily away quite bowed with grief, for in John Brooke he had lost both friend and brother, and there was no one left to take his place.All that day the house was very still; the small boys played quietly in the nursery; the others, feeling as if Sunday had come in the middle of the week, spent it in walking, sitting in the willow, or among their pets, all talking much of "Uncle John," and feeling that something gentle, just, and strong, had gone out of their little world, leaving a sense of loss that deepened every hour. "Will you go?" He clung to her without a word, and in a minute she was quite steady again, and said, with a tender kiss as she saw his troubled face,"We are going to say good-by to him, my darling, and there is no time to lose; so dress quickly and come to me in my room. "Torse I will;" and he was proudly carried off by his faithful bearer. Some women might have found it annoying at such a time to have boys creaking in and out, upsetting cups and rattling spoons in violent efforts to be quiet and helpful; but it suited Mrs. Jo, because just then her heart was very tender; and remembering that many of her boys were fatherless or motherless, she yearned over them, and found comfort in their blundering affection. how can you bear it so?"

"He never did any thing to make a stir in the world, did he?". Death of Jon Brookes, Modern Nature and Different Days (2013–present) The band returned to their Big Mushroom studio to begin working on demos for a new album in 2013. "Franz proposed it, and was a first-rate master, too," said Nat; and the others gave a murmur of assent most gratifying to the young dominie.Mr.

"Just tell me a word about Uncle John," said Emil, detaining Mr. Bhaer, as he was about hurrying away again. for the tie between the two had been a very tender one, and the child's heart bled when it was broken. Then he smiled and pressed my hand, and answered, in his cheerful way, 'No need of that; I have cared for them.' Poor Mrs. Jo seemed quite spent, and evidently needed the same sort of comfort, for her first words, as she came up the stairs, were, "Where is my baby? He was a good son, and gave up his own plans to stay and live with his mother while she needed him. "What did they say?" "Only good. "Will you go with him, lovey?" If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form. He played and studied, worked and sang, just as before, and few suspected any change; but there was one and Aunt Jo saw it for she watched over the boy with her whole heart, trying to fill John's place in her poor way. He simply did his duty in all things, and did it so cheerfully, so faithfully, that it kept him patient and brave, and happy through poverty and loneliness and years of hard work. asked Mrs. Jo of her small lord and master, who lay on her arm among the sofa-pillows. Uncle John once had a place in the office of a man who cheated, and when this man wanted uncle to help him do it, uncle wouldn't, though he was offered a big salary. You older boys I trust to manage yourselves for a day. "We'll stay;" "We'd rather;" "Franz can see to us;" cried several, delighted with the confidence shown in them. Both were in heaven, and he prayed to both, trying to be good for love of them.The outward change corresponded to the inward, for in those few weeks Demi seemed to have grown tall, and began to drop his childish plays, not as if ashamed of them, as some boys do, but as if he had outgrown them, and wanted something manlier. asked Rob, wistfully; for home without "Marmar" was the world without the sun to him. "That's all;" and Franz found himself wishing that Uncle John had done something to boast of, for it was evident that Jack was disappointed by his replies. "Let me tell you a little about John Brooke, and you will see why men honor him, and why he was satisfied to be good rather than rich or famous. "So would I. I want you all. At dusk, Mr. and Mrs. Bhaer came home alone, for Demi and Daisy were their mother's best comfort now, and could not leave her. There were the rich men whom he had served faithfully for years; the poor old women whom he cherished with his little store, in memory of his mother; the wife to whom he had given such happiness that death could not mar it utterly; the brothers and sisters in whose hearts he had made a place for ever; the little son and daughter, who already felt the loss of his strong arm and tender voice; the young children, sobbing for their kindest playmate, and the tall lads, watching with softened faces a scene which they never could forget. "O Meg! "No, don't keep back. He never asked help for himself, though often for others, but bore his own burden and worked out his own task bravely and quietly. Emil laid his head down on his arms, Franz, went to put his hand on his uncle's shoulder, his boyish face pale with sympathy and sorrow, and the others sat so still that the soft rustle of the falling leaves outside was distinctly heard.Rob did not clearly understand what had happened, but he hated to see papa unhappy, so he lifted up the bent head, and said, in his chirpy little voice,"Don't cry, mein Vater!