Tide Dry Cleaners offers the opportunity to join a brand that has been in existence for over 65 years in the field of fabric care.

That means new franchisees will have a franchise fee of just $20k to pay at the signing of the franchise agreement instead of the typical $50k franchise fee. currently looking for franchisees who are motivated and business savvy and Learn everything there is to know about how online lead generation is successfully done for your franchise.After establishing itself as a trustworthy brand when it comes to washing clothes, Tide is taking over the dry cleaning market, as well. The average profit margin in the industry is 150 percent. In order to qualify as a franchisee, you’ll need to pass a financial background check that can prove you have a minimum net worth of $1 million. All of the documentation you may need will also be available through a franchise portal that you’ll has 24/7 access.Tide Dry Cleaners stresses the importance of regional activities so that the target population can benefit from the continuing education series that the organization runs throughout the year. In return, you’ll get key branding and signage that will automatically attract customers because of the brand saturation of the Tide name.It’s also the perfect opportunity for a community that may be under-served when it comes to professional laundry services. Otherwise you’ll qualify for a 10 year initial franchise offer with a 10 year renewal option.As for the initial investment, the high-end estimate of a new franchise location to achieve a grand opening is $1.3 million and this is for a plant store, which must be your first location that you develop. In it, he stated that the royalties that are paid by franchisees of the new Tide® Dry Cleaning franchise are based on net , not gross reciepts/revenues/sales. The total investment spans from $702,000 to $1,483,500. Some of the special services that Tide Dry Cleaners offers are “Back-to-Black” Tide does reserve the right to extend or modify this incentive program, so it might get even better over time. Franchise revenue depends on a wide range of factors, as does profit. How much does a Tide Dry Cleaners franchise make? now grown to be a franchise in many states.Tide Dry Cleaners has a franchise fee of $50,000. 7% of net sales go to the royalty and an additional 5% are allocated to marketing. When it comes to businesses that offer laundry services, the ongoing costs are fairly low. By Tide Partner Joel Bissitt. This generally takes up to 12 weeks to fully complete.Once you have qualified as a franchisee and sign the agreements, you’ll be given the opportunity to have about two weeks of hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of a training location.

Let’s take a look below.Tide Dry Cleaners is offering an exciting opportunity for potential franchisees right now.


It’s a name that will instantly drive traffic your way because it is built on a foundation that has consumer trust as its cornerstone. If that’s the case for your community, then this could be an exciting investment to make as well.It’s the passion for this business that will set investors apart. Potential franchisees must have a Tide Dry Cleaners will also give all of your management staff on-site training and a regional representative will be on site for your grand opening.You’ll also receive guidance as to what the expecting cleaning standards are under a variety of circumstances so that you can provide your customers with a quality result.