Are you wondering how many views you’ll need to get paid on YouTube? So, nobody can sure about the exact amount of earning per view. Remember nothing worth having comes easy.The beauty of what Ryan has been able to achieve is.To answer the question on how many views you’ll need to get paid on YouTube is not that easy to answer and there are more factors involved than you think, so Ryan is going to break it down to show us how many views to make a $100 per day on YouTube.For those of you who don’t know me, I’m really into making money blogging and if you ever wondered how it all works you can check out one of my most popular articles,If you’re looking for more ways to make money we have a list of.So without further ado, let’s hear it from Ryan.These days, becoming a famous YouTuber or an influencer is the dream for a lot of people both young and old. This wide range of numbers, however, is justified and determined through a great number of variables that you can manage depending on how you work with YouTube.

In order to place a mid-roll ad, your video has to be over 10 minutes long. CPM rates vary between creators, and no creator consistently has the same CPM rate. Essentially, when you run ads on your channel, you get a cut of the money and Google takes the rest. CPM rates vary between creators, and no creator consistently has the same CPM rate. So as a result, creators who make longer videos tend to make more money thanks to these mid-roll ads.Now that we have all of this background information covered, I can now give you an educated guess as to how many views you need to earn $100 a day on YouTube. If so, you’re in the right place.Today I have an awesome guest post from Ryan Scribner who earns $20,000+ per MONTH in just ad revenue from his YouTube channel!Isn’t that crazy? If you do the math, that is around $755 a day from ad revenue.Here’s the thing though, not everyone is making this much money on YouTube. The answer is, it depends! By most standards, that is a lot of money!

If it is shorter than that, you will just get an ad at the beginning of the video (if the content is advertiser-friendly).If you are watching a 30-minute video on YouTube, it is not uncommon to see 3 or 4 ads in that video. For now, we are just going to talk ad revenue.Each month, I am getting anywhere from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 views on my channel which usually results in 10,000 to 20,000 new subscribers. ).As mentioned earlier, these finance channels tend to have very high CPMs because of the audience.

In the USA, you can get 1$ per View but in many other countries, you might get 1$ per 100 Views. It can change based on factors like where the viewers of the video are located and what type of advertisers are interested in the content.One YouTuber said that out of her three successful YouTube channels, her one focused on business gets a much higher CPM. The reason this matters is because YouTube allows you to run mid-roll ads on your channel. Better ways to earn from your subscribers. I have seen some channels in more specific niches, like e-commerce for example, which a CPM as high as $30!The third factor is whether or not your content is short or long. There are no flamethrowers or stunts in my videos. Ten years ago, if you asked kids what they wanted to do when they were older, a lot of them would say a movie star or a rock star.Now, if you ask that same question, many would say an influencer or a YouTube star. How much money a creator will earn from a single YouTube video varies, but there are some factors that can help boost revenue.Creators become eligible to earn money by placing ads within their videos through YouTube's Partner Program.

These ads are filtered by Google and creators get paid a certain amount based on factors like a video's watch time, length, and viewer demographic.Creators on YouTube earn a certain amount of money based on their CPM rate, or cost per 1,000 video views.

This means you’ll need to garner 20,000 views if you receive $5 per 1,000 views. The more you have YouTube views and ads the more you will earn. If you have a gaming channel, you would likely need 1,500,000 views a month to make $100 a day with your YouTube channel. If you earned a CPM of $13, you would need about 7,600 views each day to hit that number.Again, let me just restate these are educated estimates based on my own personal earnings and research I have done on other channels. The money you make on YouTube has more to do with what advertisers pay for than how many views you get. "People who watch this content aren't kids or students,".Business Insider spoke to YouTube influencers who broke down how much they earned from a video with 100,000 views, 1 million views, and 4 million views.D'autres articles qui pourraient vous intéresser.Copyright © 2016 Business Insider Inc. Tous droits réservés.How much YouTube pays creators for 100,000, 1 million, and 4 million views,Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories,How much creators earn from 100,000 views,YouTube creator Natalie Barbu breaks down how much money she earns from a video with 100,000 views,How much creators earn from 1 million views,YouTube star Shelby Church breaks down how much money a video with 1 million views makes her,How much creators earn from 4 million views,YouTube star Shelby Church breaks down how much money a video with 4 million views made her,Deux Youtubeuses révèlent combien d'argent elles ont gagné avec une seule vidéo à 4 millions de vues,Ces 4 acteurs ont gagné des millions en jouant dans des films Netflix,Voici ce qu'une vidéo YouTube à 150 millions vues peut vous faire gagner,Apple se prépare à produire 1 million de masques par semaine pour équiper les soignants,Instagram a attiré 1 million d’annonceurs en 6 mois,PewDiePie est le premier YouTuber à atteindre 100 millions d'abonnés... et les 6 choses à savoir dans la tech,Daimler rappelle 1 million de Mercedes en raison d'un risque d'incendie,Au Venezuela, 1 million de litres d'essence coûte autant qu'une boîte de thon,YouTube a retiré 8,3 millions de vidéos choquantes en 3 mois — et le porno n'est que la partie émergée de l'iceberg,Apex Legends : le rival de Fortnite séduit 50 millions de joueurs en 1 mois,Carlos Ghosn a été libéré après avoir payé une caution de près de 4 millions d'euros,1 million de fans déçus signent une pétition pour refaire la dernière saison de Game of Thrones,1 million de personnes veulent envahir la Zone 51, l'US Air Force se tient prête,La maison-mère de SFR dérape en Bourse alors que l’opérateur télécoms a regagné 1 million de clients,Elon Musk a publié un article scientifique qui détaille son plan pour coloniser Mars avec 1 million de personnes,1 million d'utilisateurs s'opposent à la nouvelle interface de Snapchat dans une pétition — Evan Spiegel dit que ça 'valide' cette refonte,Un des cofondateurs de Facebook veut que les 1% d'Américains les plus riches financent un revenu universel pour 90 millions de personnes,Les robots vont mettre au chômage 800 millions de personnes d'ici 2030 — et le problème sera pire pour les pays riches,Un million d'utilisateurs Reddit ont bataillé virtuellement pour créer cette étrange œuvre d'art composée de 16 millions de pixels,Goldman Sachs a utilisé une IA pour simuler 1 million de résultats possibles pour la Coupe du Monde — et a clairement identifié un vainqueur.
Google keeps around 45% leaving your payout $776. The most common metric used to explain this is CPM, which is how much your channel earns per 1,000 views. There is no limitation of Youtube views to get paid on Youtube.