In Major League baseball, for example, considerably more runs are scored in the first inning (when the best batters tend to hit) than in the second inning. The Dodgers win, 8-1, and take 3 of 4 against the Astros this season. A custom report defines the.Memorized reports give you the ability to say things like "I want to be able to run the team batting report for every team in my league, with pitchers shown as a group, and the players sorted by slugging percentage." For those specifically looking for a random list of major league baseball teams, you can find that at the end of this article. With a wide range of standard reports, the ability to customize reports to suit your needs, a huge set of traditional and modern statistics to choose from, and several output options (display, printer, plain text file, HTML file), Diamond Mind's version 11 report generator set a new standard for baseball …

So we designed our system so you can send the report directly to the printer in one step.As with printed reports, you can send any report directly to a disk file without displaying it first, you can suppress sections you don't want, and (for team-oriented reports) you can include one team or all teams in your league.In addition to saving the reports in a plain-text format that makes them easy to load into a text editor or word processing program, you can generate reports in HTML format.All of the statistical reports are created as formatted HTML tables, not plain text.

This dialog usually has three tabs, one for options specific to this type of report, one for choosing the time period on which you wish to report, and one for choosing the sections that you'd like to see on the report.With the first tab, you can choose the data that you want to see on the report and set any options that apply to this report. Fewer runs also tend to be scored in the later innings perhaps because teams often use their most effective pitchers ("closers") at that time.Snapshot 1: line scores if baseball games lasted six innings,Snapshot 2: line scores if baseball games lasted twelve innings,Snapshot 3: line scores with different inning score parameters.Note: Your message & contact information may be shared with the author of any specific Demonstration for which you give feedback.Sports Seasons Based on Score Distributions,"Generating Realistic Baseball Line Scores",,Emulating Land Use Evolution with a Cellular Automaton,The Persuasion Effect: A Traditional Two-Stage Jury Model,The Banzhaf Power Index of States for Presidential Candidates,Liability Insurance Desirability under Lognormal Loss Distributions,The Effects of Coinsurance and Deductibles on Optimal Precautions for Weibull-Distributed Loss,Communities of Nations Bridged by Language Similarity.

This Demonstration lets you produce synthetic line scores for baseball games.

But it's nice to be able to change the options anytime you want to.When you display a report on the screen, it looks very much like a spreadsheet. Or you can choose a custom date range, with a little popup calandar to help you enter the start and end dates. The Demonstration responds by producing 18 sample line scores. Such a reporting system is flexible but doesn't have a high baseball IQ.Our approach is to give you the power of customization without sacrificing baseball intelligence. Free Baseball Scorecards. Share the final result and statistics with a single link. By memorizing these reports and creating a report group containing these memorized reports, you can generate all of them with a single command, saving yourself the trouble of entering the options each time.In the process of rebuilding the game around a new database technology, we took the time to give you access to more of the information in the database, and to give you more ways to display it.

The report window has a toolbar across the top. When you display a report on the screen, the toolbar in the report window includes a Customize button.

On that toolbar is a series of controls that allow you to change the scope of the report (the teams or players that are included) and to access the options dialog (plus two other important buttons that we'll get to later.

You won't find a database containing information about teams and players.

In that way, you'll be able to choose fonts and colors that suit your tastes.HTML output is available for all of the reports in DMB, but we've also added the ability to.One of our most ambitious goals was to give you the power to customize all of the reports that we offer, and we're happy to report that you can do just that.

).By the way, since we're using standard Windows features for printing, you'll be able to select which printer you want to send the report to (including printers on a network), which pages you want to print, and the number of copies. In addition, we put a lot of energy into the pagination logic for our reporting system. Using these tools, it's easy to see who the league leaders were in the month of June, what the team standings look like for the second half of the season, and what your players have done for you lately, among many other things. The print jobs are routed through the standard Windows Print Manager, so you can delete them before they are printed if you made a mistake and realize it soon enough.For team-oriented reports, the ones that show the stats for all players on a team, you have the option of printing the report for just one team or for every team in your league or organization.Finally, many Windows products force you to display your document or report on the screen before you can print it. What's the difference between a custom report and a memorized report?