Freedom was only possible via granting of manumission by a slave’s owner, a practice that was frequently regulated and sometimes prohibited by law, or by the slave running away, which was both dangerous and illegal.The treatment of slaves in the United States varied depending on conditions, time, and place, but was generally characterized by brutality, degradation, and inhumanity. Get Your Custom Essay on,By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our,Topic: Southern and Northern America during Antebellum,,Get your custom A clear line demarcated the elite, but according to Burton, the line between poor and yeoman was less distinct. The growth of higher education kept cities and towns with colleges and academies including the ones in Opelousas in the south where women rarely had any formal education and when they did they were separate from the men folk.Rael, Patrick. This crippled the South’s economy and forced the foreign trade to be conducted through the North. These proslavery theorists championed a class-sensitive view of American antebellum society. It can also be referred to as that period when the slaves were freed. In small operations, slaves worked side by side with their owners; on large plantations, they were directed by white paid overseers.The labor-intensive agricultural economies of the South during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were dependent upon the continued institution of slavery. Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democrats preferred to refer to these farmers as “yeomen”  because the term emphasized an independent political spirit and economic self-reliance.Historians have long debated how large this group was and how much influence its members exerted on Southern politics in the antebellum period, particularly why and to what extent these farmers were willing to support secession despite their typically not being slaveholders themselves. Meanwhile, non-slaveholding civilizations in more southerly areas, such as Spain, Italy, and Mexico, were rapidly slipping into “degeneracy and barbarism.” Only the slaveholding Southern United States, Brazil, and Cuba were seen as making “favorable progress.”.As did nearly every other defender of slavery before 1840, Harper nominally conceded that slavery, at an abstract level, did constitute a sort of (necessary) moral evil. This saw the conversion of many slaves and the formation of churches, in fact the North wanted to bring their churches to the Southern territories. Accordingly, the nation was polarized along the Mason-Dixon Line.By the 1850s, the South was vigorously defending slavery and its continued expansion into new U.S. territories. Women’s Rights in Antebellum America. Planters with numerous slaves had work that was essentially managerial, and often they supervised an overseer rather than the slaves themselves.Nevertheless, the very presence of slaves throughout the American South fostered white unity despite economic disparities. By December 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment took effect, permanently abolishing slavery throughout the entire United States with no compensation for the former slaves’ owners. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy",Don't use plagiarized sources.

Retrieved from.If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.How about make it original at only $13.9/page? Thus, the greatest threat to democracy was seen as coming from class warfare that destabilized a nation’s economy, society, and government, and threatened the peaceful and harmonious implementation of laws.This “mudsill theory” supposed that there must be, and has always been, a lower class for the upper classes to rest upon. It was marked by the rise of abolition and the steady polarization of the nation between the viewpoints … The northern acquired the political and economic clout and wanted to dominate the southern society as a whole.There were activists who fought for free labor ideology that dominated in the north by 1860,however the creation of political ratification that existed in their minds and hearts made the north and the south as one people, and shared the same constitution, language and the same legal system. That is, those who would most threaten the democratic society’s economic stability and political harmony were not allowed to undermine it because they were not allowed to participate in it. From the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, an estimated 12 million Africans were shipped as slaves to the Americas. They owned land, generally did not raise commodity crops, and owned few or no slaves. Some parents from south sent their children to the north. Many slaves fought back and some died resisting this sort of treatment, though some managed to escape to non- slave states and Canada, aided by the Underground Railroad.While some slaves worked in urban areas as domestic servants, most labored on plantations or large farms where their owners took advantage of good quality soil and a temperate climate to mass produce cash crops such as rice, tobacco, sugar, indigo, and cotton. Historians argue that a distinctive Southern political ideology blended localism, white supremacy, and Jeffersonian ideas of agrarian republicanism.CC licensed content, Specific attribution,,,,,,,,,,,,,