Easily the best Ableton controller out there (which isn't surprising, considering this was designed by Ableton in-house). I recommend this to beginners and pro's.Push is on a. category on its own, it seems unfair to compare it to other more traditional MIDI controllers. Very pleased!I just made the jump from a Novation Launchpad MK1 to the Ableton Push 2; absolutely floored. Simple, yet so sophisticated...I love the thing and it was a great purchase. Today's live stream is 'Ableton Push2 Workflow' with Ableton certified trainer I mredrollo I. Push 2 for everything else. The workflow changes a lot, but as soon as you figure out it's logic, it enhances your creativity. Digitakt. If I use my MK3 in Ableton, I use the Maschine VST.

100% satisfaction.If your an ableton user this is definitely a great buy, not a must have, but definitely something that speeds up workflow tremendously and the in key mode allows you to play notes anywhere on the push without ever hitting a wrong note, this also feels a lot more intuitive that using the scale plugin and a keyboard. Digitakt, Ableton workflow, Push 2?

Sometimes you just need something to get you going and this is the kind of workflow built for me. It rocks!Hey! The screen has been vastly improved, the device is much easier to navigate, and isn't a dust-magnet like the original. Learn about sketching out ideas worth finishing using Ableton Push2. Making music is hard. There are numerous videos on the web showing people making tracks just with the push without ever having to look up and i can honestly say this is definitely possible as a bit of an ableton novice this really opened up ableton up.Had a Push 1 for a second, but then the Push 2 came out and improved upon it in all the right ways, and I got a killer deal on the upgrade. I use it for every instruments other than pianos.Best improvements are in the sampler and simpler options to covert. Must have device.Twins with Ableton Live, this new controller allow enhance creativity and possibilities.I downloaded Ableton,for a project about a year ago, and have found it great as a sketch book for ideas, and I am now fleshing those out into songs and finished tracks.

Push 1 was made in partnership with Akai, but Push 2 is 100% Ableton. Beautiful UI.Coming from Fl studio and using ableton push 2 along with ableton live 9 was very easy to understand and get used thanks to the push 2 and helped me get comfortable with ableton live 9 in a matter of days. Hey guys.

- [Voiceover] Before we start checking out the Push 2 I want to take a moment and go over all the new features that are available from Live 9.5 and above. ?writing music will turn over.Everything you missed on the Push? IT is powerful and definitely more than I can comprehend at the moment, but I am slowly getting that learning curb up. Drag and drop midi. I make one or more sketches everytime I go using my Push 2 as it was when I only started my music way. A must have.This thing makes you control the whole Ableton Live on the go, without looking onto the screen. It's a living instrument you need to use it a lot so you can take advantage of it.it can make really creative work. blend tracks together seamlessly with its smooth multifunctional turning knobs. I've built a really in-depth template for the Push, that focuses on Live Performance. What can I say? Live sample pad chopping also makes it very useful. Ableton’s flagship hardware product Push 2 and Live are a marriage made in heaven, and Live expert Scottie Dugan demonstrates how you can use them to write and perform, as well as make your tracks and beats bump! very very inspiring!We all know this guy but it's quick, hands on, & 100% a part of my workflow in Ableton. I have both. I’ve had the Digitakt for around a year now and think I’ve developed a relative amount of competency with it. I'm blown away at the depth of control this gives you over the creative journey in ableton live. Add your own unique un replicate-able Effects to your live shows and album. Shot in both Live 9 & 10, Scottie introduces Ableton Push 2 and shows you around its Browser and how to Navigate its interface. Truly recommend.It's purpose it's clear for being used with Ableton Live. Learn the capabilities and limitations of this multifunctional controller.