Will there be anyone under 30 left in,Going to miss Johnny can he come back, please? By Joe Anderton. ... which was a lie to keep her away from bad boy Ben Mitchell and his threats against the family. EastEnders: Johnny Carter supported Ben Mitchell after the death of his boyfriend Paul Coker (Image: BBC). The characters of the hit BBC One soap were brought together as Ben …

It would cause so much drama between Phil and Shirley, Sharon and Linda (they are "friends").Bonny. All Rights Reserved.I think Ben and Johnny will be in a relationship soon. OR Ben has a rough day at work and comes home to find Callum and Lexi playing Mario Kart. Johnny should get together with the Coker lad that's also inevitably going to be brought into it soon. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses.
Jonathan "Johnny" Michael Carter is the son of Mick and Linda Carter, brother of Lee, Nancy and Ollie, and grandson of Shirley and Buster. The characters of the hit BBC One soap were brought together as Ben (p… Registered in England. Johnny Carter exits EastEnders in low-key final scenes. Johnny is single so I think it will happen. That would be my preferred direction for him.It will be a plot device to pit Mick against Philth - and we all know how that battle will turn out.BIB: it would be more realistic, IMO, if Johnny didn't like or trust Ben in the slightest. How could it not be with a portmanteau like that?Im not in the country and haven't seen the soaps for a couple of weeks... IS BEN BACK?!!!! Then Johnny will invite him round to dinner, the Carters are looking forward to meet Johnnys bf, Ben walks through the door and smiles at Shirley..duff duff.This was inevitable I think.

"No, that's what you get when you come second place to a 7-year-old."
But, as viewers pointed out, in line with a character who has been given tragically little to do in his time:Is that Johnny gone again? Who is the one guy that Shirley would have a problem with Johnny dating?Shirley's shining moment was when she drowned Ben!I could see Ben in a creepy stalker type storyline with Johnny. EastEnders spoiler: Is Ben Mitchell over late Paul Coker as he sleeps with Johnny Carter? Ben Mitchell is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, who has been played by six different actors since his on-screen birth on 21 March 1996.Matthew Silver appeared as an infant Ben between 1996 and 1998, and Morgan Whittle played him as a toddler between 1999 and 2001. Think I'm going to be disappointed, though. Ben could be sniffing around, trying to cause trouble between them, but I hope DTC isn't predictable enough to pair Ben and Johnny up. EastEnders' Johnny lashes out at Mick. The carters are getting smaller and smaller.This content is imported from Twitter. He very quickly joins in. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io,EE hinted at Chantelle's death scene in January,EastEnders reveals Ben's fate after arrest,EastEnders' Kheerat confesses Chantelle feelings,EastEnders star offers support for abuse victims,EastEnders fans praise soap as Chantelle exit airs,EastEnders star reacts to Chantelle's tragic exit,Eastenders boss explains Chantelle's tragic exit,EastEnders star explains Chantelle's death spoiler,EastEnders recasts Lily Fowler as Stacey returns,DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK.Digital Spy participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites.the Carters miraculously gathered the cash to keep the Queen Vic,Read more news, spoilers and gossip on our EastEnders homepage,EastEnders exit confirmed for Johnny Carter,Picture of the Day: EastEnders heartbreak for Johnny,Picture of the Day: EastEnders return drama for Sylvie.EastEnders: Will Johnny start dating a hunky paramedic?EastEnders hints at Johnny Carter exit plot,Carter crisis! EastEnders star Emma Barton hinted Brown could come back, insisting everyone loves her on set. EASTENDERS had a steamy ending tonight after Ben Mitchell and Johnny Carter were seen in bed together. After some poor results though, Johnny opted from some time away from Uni, and went travelling with boyfriend Gianluca. He's gone oop North. EastEnders Johnny and Ben Finally Sleep Together - aired 21st March 2017 part 1 I could easily see Ben falling for Johnny but not the other way round.I hope those two can put aside their differences for the wedding. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. They are going to have to be very careful with Bens recast if this is the case. !It was announced yesterday he's been released from prison but no onscreen reappearance yet. ... Callum asked Ben as he reached for a third controller from his bag. If they could get Strike back, we’d definitely on board for a comeback – especially as there was a brief flirtation between Johnny and Ben Mitchell… Dean Wicks (Matt Di Angelo) EASTENDERS viewers had their emotions toyed with on Tuesday night as Ben Mitchell and Johnny Carter enjoyed a one night stand. Ben Mitchell is the son of Phil Mitchell and Kathy Mitchell, the brother of Ian, Donna, Louise, Raymond, the adoptive brother of Dennis Rickman, Jnr, and the father of Lexi Pearce. Eastenders: little Mitchell by Kirsty Tracey reviews.