This is one of the most celebrated days in the UN calendar, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. The FAO was founded on October 16, 1945, with the aim of helping the world fight hunger and malnutrition. At times, the farmers end up producing nothing at all. In fact, most themes are agriculture related. Volunteers also organize street games calling for public consultation on the BRAI Bill (India’s Biotech Regulatory Authority). Many honest food lovers in Delhi have teamed up and are committed to keeping their food safe and hygienic. Umm the major reason behind the celebration and launching of this big day is to secure and advance food security across the world. Especially at the time of the food crisis. It aims at tackling global hunger and poverty, and people from around the world come together to declare their commitment to remove hunger globally.The theme for World Food Day 2019 is "Our actions are our future. Eat. Reasons To Celebrate World Food Day: – World Food Day (WFD) was established in November 1979 by the member states of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) at the 20th General Assembly of the organization. Many of them starve to death. In India, many non-voluntary organizations emphasize the importance of eating healthy food and avoiding fast food. In addition, special initiatives such as “International Year of Rice” 2004 and “International Year of the Potato” 2008 were launched.All over the world, numerous events are organized to raise public awareness of food supply and distribution issues and to raise funds to support food harvesting and distribution projects. In this blog, we are spreading some more awareness about World Food Day 2019 and the reason behind this.Every year on 16th October there is the day which is celebrated all over the world happily and excitedly is ‘World Food Day’ It’s an annual celebration in the honor of the founding date of the ‘.Umm the major reason behind the celebration and launching of this big day is to secure and advance food security across the world. They make Rangoli and play street games and affect genetic change.World Food Day is an occasion for many non-volunteer organizations to highlight the importance of eating healthy foods and avoiding fast food in Indian cities. In developing countries, nearly every 15th child dies before the age of five, most of them due to hunger.There are still 155 million children under the age of five worldwide suffer from stunting.World Food Day is known for raising public awareness of hunger and encouraging the public to support efforts to eradicate world hunger. This is one of the biggest threats to our food security, as it is proposed to encourage the introduction of genetically modified crops in India.Copyright © 2020 - All Rights Reserved.World Food Day 2020 – History, Theme, How it is Celebrated,World Forestry Day 2021 : International Day of Forests 2021,International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2021,March 18 : Ordnance Factories’ Day – Ordnance Factory 2021,World Kidney Day 2021 : History, Theme, Objective,Dandi March Day 2021 | Salt Satyagraha | Salt March | Indian Independence Movement,World Polio Day 2020 : Date, Significance, Themes, and More,International Womens Day (IWD) 2021-Date,Theme,Celebrate,National Safety Day/Week 2021 – 4th March, Theme & Celebration,National Science Day in India 2021 – Date, History, Theme, Objectives. Food safety is key to achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals and World Food Safety Day brings it into the spotlight, to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks.

Healthy diets for a #ZeroHunger World".On this day, several other organizations such as the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the World Food Program among others come together to acknowledge the problems behind hunger and poverty.The member countries of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) established the World Food Day in November 1979 at the organization's 20th General Conference. Fans embraced the day as the perfect excuse to down a tub of their favourite hazelnut spread. The theme of World Food Day 2019: Yet, the theme of World Food Day 2019 is not announced by the govt. World Food Day, celebrated every year on October 16th, marks the anniversary of the creation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). World Food Day is celebrated annually on the day the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN was formed. Fundraising activities include sponsored sporting events, charity auctions, concerts, and marches.The World Food Day was launched on the occasion of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day was observed by sensitizing people on how climate has been changing, and how it has been affecting food production.There are a lot of people in the world who face severe hunger and famine. He is today considered the day of food technology. The World Food Day 2019 theme was ‘Zero Hunger’, with the objective of actions to make sustainable and … The day is also set aside to encourage the governments of ways of sustaining food security in a country.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 Is The Difference Between Food Chain And Food Web?The World's Largest Fast Food Restaurant Chains,The World's Best Countries For Food Security,Towns With The Lowest Violent Crime Rates In The US,Countries With The Biggest Population Decline,Countries With the Highest Population Growth.Are The World's Richest Countries Family-friendly. : November 11 Pepero Day: Begun in 1994, this is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day… One example is TeleFood, which finances microprojects to support smallholders at the grassroots level.The projects are designed to help farmers become more productive and improve local people’s access to food and cash income.