The few NPCs I initially meet each have the same request: take this handful of seeds and grow them.

Koa's hunger meter is never an issue as I've always got the orange trees and berry bushes native to her island.Eventually, the locals on Qälis become my motivation. Colorful characters alone can't wake up this sleepy sailing and farming adventure.I've slept for five days straight while I wait for corn to grow because I don't have anything better to do in the meantime, which tells you almost everything you need to know about Summer In Mara. I'm glad I didn't listen to their inane complaints. Ich habe Summer in Mara für euch auf der Nintendo Switch getestet und verrate euch in meiner Review, ob sich das lange Warten für mich gelohnt hat. Some parts of the gameplay are so repetitive; plus, you can feel lost or confused. Cut a tree and you should plant a new one, got it.After the tutorial is over, though, it's peanuts to that. There's a particularly rousing song in the soundtrack with rollicking drums that gives me goosebumps and an urge to hit the waves, if only sailing weren't just another chore.Summer In Mara has the basic elements of farming and town simulation—crops and crafting and fishing and townsfolk—but lacks the tension of competing priorities, or any tension at all, that might have hooked me.Lauren loves long books and even longer RPGs. It's soothing and very forgiving, something that as a player I really appreciate. Cook this meal, grow these seeds, deliver this to so-and-so. ... Summer in Mara has the workings of a breathtaking and chill farming adventure that feels like it should be perfect for the summer, especially now.

la banda sonora es muy bonita es imposible no tararear esa cancion cuando estas en la isla.Summer in Mara is a charming farming simulation game set in a quaint and fulfilling world. Parents need to know that Summer in Mara is an adventure game for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PCs. Unschöne Texturen und häufige Grafik-Bugs, vor allem beim Schwimmen, fallen negativ auf. a. The story's set on a tropical archipelago, and tasks players with tending their island while also uncovering a plot by an evil corporation to harvest the land's resources. Bislang haben wir diese Seite über Werbung finanziert und möglichst frei von Clickbaits oder Bezahl-Artikeln gehalten, doch seit COVID-19 wird das zunehmend schwieriger.

Summer In Mara Review. I can tell lots of love was put into Summer in Mara, but there are some tweaks that need to be made to support the audience they seem to be going for.If you can look past the rough edges, there is a lot of fun to be had in the charming world of Mara.Summer in Mara is an ambitious approach to an adventure, with evident collecting and crafting elements. Diese können mitunter auch mal eine Minute eurer Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Falls es draußen zu kalt werden sollte, könnt ihr stattdessen in Summer in Mara warmes Sommerfeeling genießen. Summer in Mara will be available tomorrow on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. It’s irksome, but you get used to it; it’s a straight sail, so after a while you’ll jump in your boat, hold down a button and daydream about what you’re going to have for dinner for the 30 seconds it takes you to get there. Summer In Mara was an emotional rollercoaster. No impending doom needs to be staved off.

Summary: 'Summer in Mara' is a summer adventure with easy-RPG elements and farming, crafting, and exploring mechanics set in a tropical archipelago. Summer in Mara fails to satisfy either approach, opting for a collection of mechanics that require little engagement that also falters in providing any feedback or soothing audio ques. Like god forbid a female protagonist not be a super sexualized adult for once. Juni 2020 auf Steam für PC, auf PS4, XBox One und Nintendo Switch erscheint. Nichtsdestotrotz bleibt Summer in Mara eine schöne Spielerfahrung. It's totally charming and beautiful and funny and the story is sad and uplifting at the same time. Exhausting Koa's energy simply pushes me to the next day, none of which are numbered. Summer in Mara erschafft so eine schöne Atmosphäre, in die man gerne und lange eintauchen möchte.Ganz ohne Makel ist der Titel jedoch nicht. I could go do some other quest in the meantime, but I often only have access to one at a time. Man merkt, dass die Entwickler von Chibig hier mit sehr viel Liebe zum Detail gearbeitet haben. Overall, Summer In Mara is a nice, quiet farming sim with plenty of warmth and charm, perfect for those who wish to get away from it all for a brief session or two.