Want to see all your downvoted content? The card style is unique and allows you to smoothly view full previews of images and videos as you scroll through your subscriptions.You can always change the look later to fit your own preferences, as the app supports complete customization. Here are our favorites!Get two iPhone 11 for $15/mo with a new Unlimited line,Get an iPhone SE with Mint Mobile service for $30/mo. For all intents and purposes, most people will never look past Apollo. Hour Blocks does a decent job and it looks lovely, too.Scribble Together has released its new App Clip for Scribble Together, which will allow users to collaborate on a Scribble Together whiteboard even if they don't have the app.Eufy makes some pretty compelling robotic vacuums and there are a lot to choose from. Whether you are a Reddit lurker or spend hours a day on the site, finding the best experience on the iPhone is important. You can't go wrong with Apollo.Another good option is Narwhal—in fact, it's what I used for a long time before Apollo came into the scene.Narwhal is a fast and simple Reddit client that packs in a lot of information on the screen in a single, easy-to-read glance. That’s easy with Comet. I've been writing about Apple and video games for almost a decade. The company launched a major redesign of its website in April 2018.

It will always get a first chance at the newest features or tools coming to Reddit. Thanks to the clipboard privacy feature on the beta version of iOS 14, users noticed that several apps such as TikTok, LinkedIn, and Reddit copy … Check out our,Top Tips to Save Battery Life on Your iPhone,How to Install AltStore and Play Retro Games on iOS,How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone,WWDC 2020: The Big Changes to iOS and macOS,Everything You Want to Know About iTunes and App Store Gift Cards,How to Use Goodnotes to Better Manage Your Day,enhance your Reddit experience, try Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES),9 of the Best Firefox Addons for Social Media Enthusiasts,Your Guide to Backing Up Social Media Accounts,Fed Up With Facebook? If I'm not writing, you can probably find me over at Disneyland.

It’s this interface plus native Reddit features that helps differentiate it from the rest of the third-party options.There are many more Reddit clients for iOS, but these stand out as the best. With a vast difference between the lower end, more affordable models and the smarter, connected, high end options, there are many factors to consider when deciding which model would be best for your household. Pro subscribers even have the option of an ad-block in websites that are visited from inside Slide, ensuring you don’t ever have to see ads again.

There's even a media browsing mode where you can view all of the images posted to a subreddit in a gallery form, with no text to distract from it. It's highly customizable with many settings and tweaks. Huffman said new users were turned off from Reddit because it … Will I still be able to use these apps? SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images.

However, Readder is completely free if you just want to read.For those who want a fresh approach to Reddit, then Slide is worth checking out with its Material-inspired design.Slide features an interface that is unlike any of the other Reddit apps, and it looks gorgeous.

The unique user interface adds a fresh layer for anyone who uses Reddit daily. First it was TikTok, then LinkedIn, Now Reddit. Whether you are a Reddit lurker or spend hours a day on the site, finding the best experience on the iPhone is important. You'll be able to view all kinds of media with the gallery views, and there are also article previews, so you can make sure an article is worth clicking on.The only negative is that you'll have to pay for the $2.99 in-app purchase if you want to add your Reddit account, which lets you vote, write comments, and submit posts. No problem, as Slide can make that happen. This unlocks additional app icons, filters and blocking capabilities, and much more. 2020/09/11 11:29am PDT Sep 11, 2020. Reddit is called the “front page of the Internet” for good reason. Reading the comments is incredibly easy to follow, and since the comments are often the best part of Reddit, this is one area every app needs to nail down.As for gestures, you can vote comments up or down with a swipe. If you are looking for more ways to.David Beren is a freelance tech writer with over 10 years of experience in the tech industry. A new iOS 14 feature revealed that the LinkedIn and Reddit apps were continuously copying clipboard contents, a security issue that was also seen in TikTok. It’s where a lot of news, trends and memes begin. It's one of the most popular websites in the world (currently ranked 6th.I've been a Redditor for many years now, though most of my time is spent lurking rather than posting.

While the iPhone version only offers one column to search from, the iPad app offers a number of columns to see on the screen at once, depending on which display size you are using.Touching the Narwhal logo at the top on the main page of the screen causes it to switch quickly between light and dark modes. Markdown fans will love that Apollo takes full advantage of Markdown capabilities including italics, links, bold and more. It also carries an aesthetic that definitely feels like Reddit, but tidied up. We have compared the best of Eufy's RoboVac range here so you can find the right one for you.Sign up now to get the latest news, deals & more from iMore!I would like to receive news and offers from other Future brands.I would like to receive mail from Future partners.No spam, we promise.

Reddit says it’s releasing a fix for code that copied contents from users’ clipboards. Another major highlight of Apollo is the ability to “favorite” subreddits and jump to them directly from the “Posts” tab.