He also noted that there was an awful stench, which after death made an autopsy impossible. “It will take several years, or maybe longer,” he said, “before anyone can come up with a better diagnosis than this one.”.

Mozart was buried under the edicts of his time, so there are no bones or hair to analyze.At the time of his death, it was the law that third- and second-class burials consisted of the dead being sewed—unclothed—into linen sacks and placed in communal graves without great ceremony. An autopsy was never performed on Mozart, although Dr. Eduard Guldener von Lobes, who examined his body, found no evidence of foul play. This makes it more likely that Mozart died from causes other than poison.Pierre-Francoise Puech, a French anthropologist, claimed to have studied the purported skull of Mozart and sighted a fracture that he attributed to the many falls Mozart sustained in 1791. Leopold Mozart, German violinist, teacher, and composer, the father and principal teacher of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Had arsenic been used, witnesses would have observed throat burning, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, delirium, sensorimotor abnormalities, and erythroderma, none of which were observed. Nobody knows exactly what happened back in 5 December 1791, the day he died. DNA analysis on the skull would prove difficult as all of Mozart’s children died childless.Until the 1990s, the most widely accepted explanation for Mozart’s death was rheumatic fever. The count’s 20-year-old wife passed away, and.The poisoning theory, while tantalizing and lurid, loses its credibility in that Mozart’s deathbed symptoms don’t support the notion. Since his death, there have been countless theories as to what constituted severe miliary fever. Mozart’s wife blamed Salieri, and in his later years, suffering from dementia, Salieri himself took credit for poisoning Mozart. Home » Piano History » How Did Mozart Die. Mercury would have led to memory loss, excessive salivation, tremors, delirium, and emotional oversensitivity, which were also not observed. Edema is also associated with certain chronic diseases of the kidneys and heart, but Mozart’s sickness was sudden.In addition to the edema, Mozart had malaise, back pain and a rash, all symptoms of streptococcal infection. Live larvae travel through the bloodstream to skeletal muscle where they form cysts. The cause of death was recorded as “fever and rash,” which even in the 18th century were considered symptoms, not a disease.Many causes have been suggested over the centuries: syphilis, the effects of treatment with salts of mercury, rheumatic fever, vasculitis leading to renal failure, infection from a bloodletting procedure, trichinosis from eating undercooked pork chops.Now researchers writing in the Aug. 18 issue of The Annals of Internal Medicine have done an epidemiological analysis that suggests he was a victim of an epidemic streptococcal infection.“Like those before us, we’ve taken into account all the signs and symptoms,” said Dr. Richard H. C. Zegers, the lead author, “but we also have looked at one of the most logical additional things: what people commonly died from in Vienna at the time of Mozart.”.Deaths were routinely recorded in 18th-century Vienna, but physicians were not required to note a cause, which was usually provided by relatives or the clerk doing the paperwork. Now I am eating to your health!” Mozart’s favorite food was pork and it just may have been his killer.Trichinosis, caused by the parasitic worm.The incubation period for trichinosis is between 8 and 50 days. General practice was to place up to 4 to 5 adults and 2 children in a common pit that would be covered with quicklime to hasten decomposition. Just 15 days after the onset of his illness, Mozart went into convulsions, lapsed into a coma, and died. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in autumn 1791 at age 35 in Vienna. Mozart's spare funeral did not reflect his standing with the public as a composer: memorial services and concerts in Vienna and Prague were well attended.

Up to now, the actual cause of his death is still vague. This has been discredited as Salieri had no reason to murder Mozart.