It definitely doesn't sound cute, but it does have a delightfully cheesy association. Everyone always wants to throw "moist" under the table, but if you ask me, there are some perfectly disgusting words that still go unchecked. While it is supposed to describe a healing balm, there is nothing soothing about the sound of it.Luckily, this antiquated way to say "chew" has fallen out of popular usage, but it's perfect for grossing people out!Puce, pustule, pus... we just shouldn't start words with the letters "p" and "u," clearly.2020 Bustle Digital Group. There's one word that is considered the most gross-sounding English word, gross-word poll after gross-word poll. ).On top of having multiple confusing meanings, however, there was a long debate on the thread over how to pronounce this word:Frankly, all the variations sound pretty gross to me.This favorite of romance writers everywhere just sounds nasty when you say it aloud.Again, both the definition and the sound of the word are gag-worthy. The 50 Grossest Rap Lyrics of All Time. Find more similar words at! It's definitely in the same linguistic vein as "phlegm" and "moist" with those "m" and long "ooo" sounds, not to mention the gross bodily function association. Find more ways to say gross, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. So obvious or conspicuous as to cause or heighten offense: gross injustice. lung cookie.A slippery secretion produced by and covered by mucous membranes.A dairy product obtained by curdling milk. Moist. When talking about the most gross-sounding words, a few real winners instantly spring to mind. Unmitigated in any way; utter: gross incompetence.

2. Others, of course, are just words that represent gross things. … The grossest word in the English language … is, I would have to say, …. While that's often a great thing, something about the way "curd" sounds ruins any positive connotations.A beautiful "rural" field is far from gross, but the word is hard to say. NateinMpls added . "Moist" almost always tops the list as the most uncomfortable word. It has to do first, and perhaps most obviously, with their meaning and/or association. See Synonyms at flagrant. By Justin Roberson. Thanks, internet. There are perfectly innocent ones that sound disgusting, and there are hideous meanings hidden behind innocent sounding words. All rights reserved.your mouth has to work in order to say it,least favorite word in the history of words. “I would like to vote ‘moist’ as the most gross sounding word in the English language,” wrote in Jack. b. Pus. So obvious or conspicuous as to cause or heighten offense: gross injustice.
Some of you also shared your least favorite words. See Synonyms at flagrant. Like, literally and partner used in a romantic sense are commonly raged-against words, whereas fester and munch are loathed for their unpleasantness. Buildup of skin and other crud found between the foreskin and penis. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and while some of it is aurally beautiful, it has its fair share of cringe-worthy words, too. 3. Vote up the grossest, most disgusting sounding words below. Smegma.
See Synonyms at whole. In fact, according to the Winq poll, nearly 60% of respondents chose it as the grossest word ever. (Please note that I have bolded the ones that I find particularly offensive. est 1. a. Others just don't feel okay to say. You learn something new every day!This natural but nasty word (it's a common theme in this list) can also mean "a place of deep mud or mire," which is not quite as disgusting as its other definitions. All rights reserved.what is the grossest word in the English language. Moist. It's that nails-on-a-chalkboard kind of feeling. "Curd" was another one high up on the Winq list. I'm squirming right now!Word aversions are similar to phobias. ),The grossest word in the English language.Create a free website or blog at hmm, wonder why), and I’ve continued to update it as the years have gone on. Exclusive of deductions; total: gross profits. The word "gurgle" is one, as is "squirt"; indeed, both ranks high on many "grossest word" lists. The grossest sentence ever: ... Word aversion is different from word rage, which describes a dislike for a word or phrase based on its meaning or context, rather than its sound.

I will never get clean after reading this.This icky word tends to makes a lot of "top gross words" lists. Nearly 500 of you shared your favorites, which included the lyrical, delightful, and uplifting.

Milky? Gross! Or, like moist, they stir up a synesthetic reaction. The word list as it is now has been amended and enlarged by the contributions of many other friends over the years – thanks to all of you!Please feel free to comment with your additions, complaints, disagreements, etc. I’ll post them below and also update The Master List. Can substitute soy.To solidify or coagulate, espiecailly by cooling.Buildup of skin and other crud found between the foreskin and penis.Of a wound or sore that becomes septic; suppurate. b.

While the sound of the number doesn't make your skin crawl, 144 is literally a gross — that is, it's a dozen dozen or a square dozen. !The original Gross Word List was the product of me and my college friend Aaron V. We started it in 1997 or 1998  (can’t remember which year – all of my college years all kinda blur together! Moist. Language can be used to evoke laughter and love. Mar 27, 2013. Many words that you might think are gross are onomatopoeic, like blat. Plus, for some people, the physical sound of,Following "slurp" is "mucus," which Winq users didn't like at all. So words like love and beautiful, make us feel happy and all warm inside. A white/yellowish liquid formed on the site of a wound or infection. Hello everybody! Exclusive of deductions; total: gross profits. I associate it with someone really giving it their all to get those last few drops of soda, or that last bit of soup from the bottom of the bowl, or that last chunk of milkshake. "There has to be some awful ingredient in the 'dol' part, because,Coming in seventh on the Winq list is "slurp," which definitely could sound less disgusting. Now that the grossest word is out of the way, here are the others, as decided by Redditors, linguists, and other grumps.