But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Harley Clinics uses Cookies, please Accept or Decline.Gluteoplasty with intramuscular silicone cohesive gel implants: a retrospective study of 50 cases. Fat transfer surgery involves a dual procedure. Any mild bruising will usually resolve after 1 to 2 weeks.The treated area(s) may feel tender – moderate discomfort for the first 3 – 5 days.The initial consultation will determine the goals of treatment, and make a note of any associated abnormalities or asymmetry, in order to develop the optimum treatment for an ideal result in each patient.The treatment is carried out under local or general anaesthetic, as a day case.Fat grafting can be enhanced by using your our platelets from your blood in the form of Platelet Rich Plasma PRP, to enhance fat cell healing and survival.This is performed at the same time as the fat grafting.A detailed assessment to determine your goals and options can only be carried out at the time of the consultation.If you do not have sufficient fat for harvesting then Hyaluronic acid buttock injections or buttock implants may be a more suitable option.A Brazilian Butt Lift / Fat Transfer to the Buttocks is performed to improve the shape and volume of your buttocks using your own fat. Explanation material:There may be swelling immediately after the procedure as well as some bruising. There may be additional costs for consultations, aftercare and any further treatment sessions you need.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This shows the process of the fat removal and the fat injections into the buttocks and hips. The hips and waist can also be contoured during the same … We charge starting at $4000 + MD Anesthesia related expenses for fat transfer to the buttocks. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. So I recommend to find a certified plastic surgeon that can fulfill what you wish to accomplish. Paracetamol is usually sufficient. The procedure removes fat from the abdomen, thighs, or flanks and moves it to the buttocks to enhance the contour.

Certified Plastic Surgeon.in our clinic in Chicago,  Illinois,  we charge $7000 for fat transfer to the buttocks and hips. General risks include bruising and swelling, bleeding, wound infection, problems with general anaesthetics, abnormal scarring and keloid scarring and blood clots in the legs and lungs. The clinic is close to Gatwick airport and only approx 45 minutes from London by train. Güncel Öztürk MD,Hello, ET Trading Ltd acts as a credit broker and offers credit products from Paybreak Limited t/a Afforditnow. The remarkable difference a Harley Street Skin Clinic treatment can provide. this was met and exceeded! It is necessary to take things easy for the first few days. Situated within the world famous McIndoe Hospital, at The Banwell Clinic we offer a friendly, affordable yet exclusive service with easy, secure parking. You may want to take a couple of weeks off work.It can take up to 6 months for a surgical fat transfer to fully take effect, as some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by your body during the first few months after the procedure.It's common after a surgical fat transfer to have:A surgical fat transfer is generally a safe procedure, but it can occasionally result in:Any operation also carries a small risk of:The surgeon should explain how likely these risks and complications are, and how they would be treated.Occasionally, another operation is needed. The fat that lives will stay forever. I expected to feel more confidence in myself ? For example, in a surgical fat transfer involving the bottom (BBL), further surgery may be needed, either because 50% of the injected fat does not survive, or the desired volume cannot be achieved in one operation.There have been a number of deaths following complications of the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) procedure.The risk of death for BBL surgery is at least 10 times higher than many other cosmetic procedures, and it has the highest death rate of all cosmetic procedures.The main concern is that the injected fat can cause a blockage in a blood vessel in the lungs.As well as having the same risks as other surgical fat transfer operations, additional risks of the BBL include:The latest evidence suggests fat should only be injected into the tissue under the skin (subcutaneously), and never directly into the muscle of the bottom.Cosmetic surgery can sometimes go wrong and the results may not be what you expected.If you notice any problems during your recovery, such as signs of a possible infection (increasing swelling, redness or pain), go back to the surgeon who treated you.If you are not happy with the results, or think the procedure was not carried out properly, you should take up the matter with your surgeon through the hospital or clinic where you were treated.If you have concerns about your care, you should,For more information, read the Royal College of Surgeons' advice on,choosing who will do you cosmetic procedure,British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS),make a complaint about a doctor to the GMC.Is cosmetic surgery available on the NHS?Choosing who will do your cosmetic procedure,Ear correction surgery, including ear pinning. You will not be disappointed.I decided to have treatment with Mr Banwell due to recommendations from other healthcare professionals and knowledge of his surgical skills. You'll be given painkillers if you need them.You'll need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.You can start driving again when you're able to do so without experiencing any discomfort.The treated areas will probably be quite bruised and swollen for a few weeks.