Fat Transfer to the Breasts and Buttocks Fat Transfer procedures offer a viable and more ‘natural’ alternative to breast implants. Dr. Lisa Cassileth and Dr. Kelly Killeen have perfected fat grafting and perform this procedure for a steady stream of patients. With a fat transfer, you can enhance the size, shape, and contour of your breasts using your own natural fat cells. Women may use their own fat to enhance the appearance and size of their breasts. Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation patient age 45-54. ... breast and buttock (for augmentation). Both conditions were corrected with implant removal and fat transfer. To ensure that the fattest cells survive the transfer, you should avoid laying on your stomach or putting any pressure on the breasts for several weeks and refrain from nicotine-containing products.Once the swelling has diminished after the fat transfer, you can enjoy a natural-looking enhancement to the size, symmetry, and contour of your breasts. Fat transfer, also known as fat injection, fat grafting, or micro-lipoinjection, has many uses in cosmetic surgery. The Brava also increases blood flow to the area, which increases the likelihood of cell survival and produces more reliable results.Doctors on RealSelf report satisfactory results, both with and without Brava, and say it’s not necessary but may be helpful in some cases. During your consultation we discuss the costs as well as payment options including financing through Alphaeon ® and CareCredit ®.. The Cost. In Santa Barbara, Ventura, Santa Maria, and nearby neighborhoods in California,Breast fat grafting is a breast enhancement procedure that increases the volume of a woman’s breasts using her own body tissue. However, the fat that was transferred and fully incorporated won’t need to be removed or replaced down the road, as is usually required with breast implants.During three to five weeks of pre-expansion, the patient wears the Brava, a bra-like device that uses gentle vacuum pressure to expand the breast gradually. A natural breast lift, also referred to as the California breast lift ®, is a fat transfer breast enhancement that offers a natural alternative to breast augmentation with implants and the surgical breast lift. Fat transfer, also known as fat injection, fat grafting, or micro-lipoinjection, has many uses in cosmetic surgery. As board-certified surgeons, we aim to deliver the best care, from consultation to post-op.

We pride ourselves on building real relationships with our patients near and far.Cassileth Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills offers breast reconstruction and other breast, body, and face procedures for the Los Angeles area, including breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, breast reconstruction, complex breast revision, gynecomastia surgery, Mommy Makeover, tummy tuck, liposuction, rhinoplasty, facelift, blepharoplasty, fat grafting, and hair transplant/restoration. For patients who have always wanted to take a little fat and put it somewhere else, Dr. Seare’s natural breast enhancement is for you. “Implants give a more guaranteed size result,” says Dallas plastic surgeon.Patients seeking a large change (more than two cup sizes) may not be able to achieve their desired results or may require more than one transfer session.Because of the additional cost of liposuction, breast fat transfer is more expensive than breast augmentation with implants.To be a good candidate for a breast fat transfer, you’ll need to be in good overall health. Learn more about Dr. Yegiyants and why you should choose her for your next procedure.The ideal candidates for breast fat grafting have enough excess fat in areas of their bodies to use for fat grafting. “Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank Statistics 2017.” The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2017.Bayram, Yalcin, et al. You can also enjoy the slimming benefits of liposuction to the donor area for an overall improved, well-balanced figure. Patients may be able to return to work one week after the procedure if it is light work with no heavy lifting. For breast reconstruction patients who would like to remove their implants, cells injected via fat transfer can serve as replacement volume. The surgeon, facility, anesthesia, and associated fees will all affect the ultimate cost of your procedure. We offer breast augmentation via implants procedures at Plástica Tijuana Surgery so feel we are in the best position to advise you over the pros and cons of each procedure. The volume of fat required to enlarge the breast makes the technique prone to microcalcifications (fat cells “die” but don’t dissolve back into your body). Normal activities may be resumed within a few weeks.The results from breast fat grafting are immediate and get better as the healing process takes place. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we don’t provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. For example, the procedure doesn’t lift.The procedure can take from two to six hours, depending on the volume of fat being transferred and the experience of the surgeon. You’ll also want to sleep on your back or side, to avoid putting pressure on your breasts.At the one-week follow-up visit, your surgeon will examine your breasts, to ensure they’re healing normally. By choosing the fat transfer technique, you can also receive the slimming benefits of liposuction on another area of the body.A fat transfer to the breasts involves two parts. Fat transfer breast augmentation at our Los Angeles practice can replace removed or hollowed areas on the,To start the fat transfer breast augmentation process, excess fat is removed from areas where there may be an excess—typically the hips, arms, love handles, or abdomen—using a specialized low-trauma.Contact Cassileth Plastic Surgery about fat transfer in Los Angeles to set up a meeting with one of our plastic surgeons.Browse our gallery of plastic surgery results to see the real-life difference our work has made on patients just like you, who came to us for help and care.Every surgery will yield unique results, but before-and-after images are an excellent way to see the quality of natural-looking outcomes our experienced plastic surgeons are capable of providing.Fat transfer breast augmentation is a great alternative to surgery for women who want larger, natural breasts without implants.