Click on the route names below to download a printer-friendly route schedule. Bike. Location, opening times and fares.My Car Park | Spaces Available | Rotation | Residents | Car Park Spaces for Sale,Here you can find complete information about BiciMAD service,How it works | maps & stations | season tickets & fares,Here you can find information about incidents and service status,Incidents | Disturbances | Other changes,Consult the estimated waiting time for your bus at your bus stop on the EMT network,Calculate the best bus route plan between two points in Madrid City,Find out what EMT routes pass close to where you are,Un total de siete iniciativas han sido galardonadas en la XIV edición de los premios ‘Muévete Verde’, que organiza el Ayuntamiento de Madrid dentro del programa de actividades de la Semana de la Movilidad 2020. Route colors coordinate with the system map. EMT is a public transportation provider in Valencia which operates Bus routes since 1986. J. SOROLLA / HOSP. Access our bus network: routes, timetables and a lot more. See system map here.See bus tracking information here.. Their Bus routes cover an area from the North (Málaga) with a stop at Bda. La sede central de la Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (EMT) ha sido el escenario para la entrega de los premios que, en esta ocasión y para garantizar la seguridad de los aspirantes, se ha celebrado sin público y se ha retransmitido en.Con motivo de la Semana de la Movilidad (SEM 2020), que se celebra entre el 16 y el 22 de septiembre, la Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid va a ofrecer a sus usuarios beneficios y descuentos relacionados con el uso de BiciMAD, del nuevo servicio BiciMAD Go y de las tarifas para la recarga eléctrica de vehículos en varios aparcamientos gestionados por la empresa municipal.Here you will find current procurement tenders, the tender record and instructions on making bids,This Transparency Portal provides interested users with important information on EMT business activities,You will find official, Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid products at the EMT shop,You will find data and instructions on this portal on how to technically integrate with your own applications.We are diversifying our customer service communication channels so as to be always near at hand.EMT is committed to universal accessibility with a view to facilitating the use of our buses for everyone, regardless of a person's physical, mental or sensory condition.2015 Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S. A.Siete iniciativas de movilidad sostenible se hacen con los premios ‘Muévete Verde’ 2020,EMT se suma al fomento de la movilidad sostenible en la SEM 2020,Link to Metro de Madrid (Madrid Underground) website (New window),Link to Madrid City Council website (New window),Link to Madrid City Transport Consortium website (New window),Link to RENFE Spanish railway (New window).

It operates 29 routes directly or indirectly, which provide services to the city of Palma and also the neighbouring municipalities of Marratxí, Calvià and Llucmajor. Access our bus network: routes, timetables and a lot more.My route plan | My bus | My route | Service status | Incidents,Learn all you need to know about the Mobility Aid Service,Locate your vehicle | Car pound locations | Opening times and fares | Required documentation.Get to know our public car park network. Valenbisi.

The municipal company offers a transport service to around 40,5 million passengers every year, with a fleet of 178 buses.. Bus. Bus arrival time Bus arrival time--/--/-----:--:-- Bus stop history.

Bus routes: Bus routes link. FROM The EMT has 47 Bus routes in Malaga with 1062 Bus stops. EMT is a public transportation provider in Malaga which operates Bus routes.