With the party on the Thames being in celebration of the Queen Vic winning a competition, we can certainly say that alcoholic drinks will b… Despite her stress with watching her dad get himself into all sorts of trouble, we can say there’s brighter times on the horizon for Bex as she continues her recovery – but could that all be about to change? Could this be the case for the river plunge in the form of Tina Carter (Luisa Bradshaw-White)? There has been so much drama over the decades it's hard to recall all the incredible storylines and characters. So we've come up with a quiz with a memorable moment through each year of the soap's reign. Sharon is alone with the baby. EastEnders will mark its 35th anniversary on February 19, 2020. She’s already been seen on the party boat but how could things end for her? Or could a whole group of the Walford clan be responsible for Leo’s death?He’s turned from fruit and veg seller to Walford’s latest gangster and since helping fake Keanu’s (Danny Walters) death, Martin (James Bye) has attempted to get his life back on track, but we can all say now, that it hasn’t worked. She’s being stalked by Leo King (Tom Wells) who is the son of Tony King – who abused Whitney when she was a teenager. He hasn’t had the easiest ride lately, he’s been struggling with his anxietyand desperately trying to show Linda (Kellie Bright) how damaging her alcohol addiction is and so far – nothing has worked. We don’t think anyone would push Denise into the Thames purposely, but could an accidental slip on some spilt alcohol cause Denise to take a disastrous dip into the freezing river?Poor Whitney (Shona McGarty) hasn’t had a moment to catch her breath recently. – could his death be accidental?Whoever ends up in the Thames, one things for certain, you do not want to miss a week of spectacular episodes!Includes exclusive content, spoilers and interviews before they're seen on the site.6 reasons why it's time to start watching EastEnders again, as 'Series 2' begins.EastEnders spoilers: Frankie bonds with Ollie but what is she up to?Five incredible off-the-beaten-track Greek isles to jet to,Want to live more sustainably but struggling? Could it be one specific person that knocks him in? Despite Ian’s annoyance, he hasn’t really got on the wrong side of anyone recently enough so they’d want to murder him (hard to believe, we know!) If Bex is the one that falls in, will this make Martin change?She hasn’t been back on the Square for long but already Dotty Cotton (Milly Zero) has shown us she is certainly evil Nick Cotton’s daughter with her manipulative capabilities and scheming ways. She’s the Carter who is full of fun, love and she hardly ever gets on the wrong side of anyone which is why if Tina is the one that falls into the Thames, it would be even more heartbreaking. As he boards the boat, could he be the character who says goodbye? Her recent encounter with Leo saw him accidentally call her Whitney and if Leo does end up on the party boat in a few weeks time, could Leo make another mistake and push Dotty into the river, thinking she was Whitney?Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) aka the only remaining character to have appeared continuously in EastEnders since its first episode is obviously going to be appearing in the 35th anniversary celebrations. He hasn’t had the easiest ride lately, he’s been struggling with his.With the party on the Thames being in celebration of the Queen Vic winning a competition, we can certainly say that alcoholic drinks will be on board. Could Linda’s drunken ways cause her to push Tina into the river accidentally?Pictures have shown her calling out for Mick and boarding a rescue dinghy – is tragedy afoot?It would definitely be a shock if Denise (Diane Parish) was the one to fall into the Thames. Karen sees Keanu off. We know it’ll be a case of one in, one out, and with Ian’s son Peter (Dayle Hudson) set to return to the Square as well, could Ian be the one to leave? Whitney faces up to her crimes. Linda has already used the ‘it’s a celebration’ excuse to have a drink, so as she drinks the champagne on the boat and no doubt gets out of control, could she be meeting her watery end falling into the Thames after a drunken trip?While Shirley Carter (Linda Henry) is very supportive of Mick as he comes to terms with his anxiety troubles, she hasn’t been hugely supportive of Linda and her battle with alcohol addiction because of how much it is hurting Mick.