Her support to Billy helps him develop his ballet skills and provides him the confidence to stand up to his father. Although she that he does not find a female opponent, she fights a male opponent and shows great strength in her match. During the performance, the hall is full of people despite the fact that all the performers that appear on the screen are male. Billy hates boxing he is weak and keeps on falling and failing in his practice. “Mum and dad need to be willing to bring them out to us, and for them to be staying with us for three weeks at a time before they go home for a week, and then come back again.”.If you've yet to see the show first hand, rest assured that the long months of training all pay off: the Billy boys are some of the most adept, confident and natural-seeming child performers you're ever likely to see on stage.

Once again, the brick walls in the streets symbolise the physical barrier of Billy who is forbidden to dance.

In that instance, I'll email Peter to make sure that he agrees to any changes – I do nothing without his approval.”.Along with 'Electricity' – the big finale when Billy wows his interviewers and audience by demonstrating what he's capable of – the other major routine that is carefully set and diligently rehearsed is 'Expressing Yourself' – a tap duet with Billy's best friend Michael.

The struggle between the mineworkers and their employers was a significant event that influenced government policies and development of the country (McRae, 90). He fights the prejudice of the society and practices his ballet. Once again, the brick walls in the streets symbolise the physical barrier of Billy who is forbidden to dance.

The setting of the film is in 1984-1985 during the miners strike.

People differed in their opinions concerning the strike as the rich viewed the striking workers as pickets.

The miners strike influences the development of social stereotypes (Chrisler, 45).Billy Elliot is a good movie that shows the importance of self-discovery and fighting the social stereotypes of the society.

Billy is a son of a mineworker Jackie Elliot, who values the strength of a man in the world.

Some call it the Billy Effect. There was a strong focus on classical ballet as it takes so much time to build up technique and proficiency in this area.After months of training, a second selection was made, with just 17 boys being asked to continue on at the school. Money and food are scarce. Daldry effectively used a range of filming techniques such as camera angles, camera shots, and dialogue to develop the theme of moving into the world. He auditioned that same month … It is believed that dreams.We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It all depends on how they grow,” says Nicholas.“Already you can see that ours have really shot up,” adds Scott Garnham, who plays Billy's older brother Tony.“It's been a year now since the opening, and just in themselves they've really matured as well, which is lovely to see,” Nicholas agrees.For schoolboys, the three or four years that the training and performances take up together accounts for a huge chunk of their lives.

Although Billy does not confess to be gay, he accepts his friend Michael and gives him a peck on the cheek as he leaves Newcastle for London to attend Ballet school.The Strict stereotypes of the society change over time. Billys family reveals the misery the miners faced especially in a motherless home.Their desperation had resulted in violence as the people of the community fought for their rights in the society. If they then pass.Ability isn't the only thing they're being tested for – what is arguably even more important is their absolute commitment to the job and to being the best Billys that they can possibly be.“You can only do this if it's absolutely what you want,” Luiten continues.