This usually happens if the individual trusted you so much not to think you could hurt them in any way. What Causes Insecurity in a Relationship? Insecurity overtakes our will to speak up because we fear that our partner will not like who we really are.

According to Dr. Edward Dreyfus, a clinical psychologist, another sign of insecurity in a relationship is avoiding discussing anything confrontational that could potentially cause their … The anxiety that a person feels is a result of how the environment and the people around him or her interact.

This kind of gesture, gives an individual the vibe of not being good enough. 1. However, when it comes to love rejection, it shatters an individual’s self esteem which in turn causes them to feel insecure. Low esteem or low self-confidence is mostly due to a person's upbringing or any childhood trauma. A self-centered worldview will have you chasing boogeymen … You can't banish something if you don't acknowledge it exists. Think about it. If your partner feels insecure, it’s because they haven’t dealt with whatever is putting them in a negative state .

The BBC's article, "Understanding jealousy," points out that this complex reaction occurs because it involves a wide array of thoughts, emotions and behaviors. We all have a weak moment and that's when insecurity and self-doubt creep in.

This really instills insecurity in them, that they will even fear interacting with people as they think there is something wrong with them.Continuous lying builds up trust issues in an individual. “The main cause of insecurity is fear” – the fear of compromising the status of the relationship. This is mostly fueled by past experiences in an individual’s life. There are many causes of insecurity in a relationship, like past trauma, broken trust, infidelity, lies, betrayal, upbringing, perfectionism, inferiority complexes, fear of rejection, and a lack of satisfaction in your own life. Now the question is, what makes a person feel insecure about his or her relationship? Whether you are the insecure person in a relationship or the one who is trying to rein in that demon, it … However, if this lacks in the relationship you will begin to think that you are not as good looking that is why you are never complimented.As the saying goes, where there is smoke, there is fire. Feeling secure in a relationship depends on trusting the other person but, … You Put Off Any Conversation That Might Be Even Slightly Confrontational. Being perfect and having full control of their lives is important to them but when things don't go according to them and everything goes out of their control they begin to beat themselves up about it and they start undermining themselves and feel unworthy and insecure and it starts affecting their relationship as well.Here’s why hugging your loved ones is good for your health,Relationship Advice: 7 Ways to deal with a moody partner,6 Reasons why being in a relationship is healthy for you,Is your partner tolerating you? Insecurity is a major reason behind a number of breakups but every insecure person has a root cause of this insecurity that impacts their relationship in a negative manner. As a result, when it comes to issues of.It is much easier to feel proud and confident in the relationship when you got someone assuring you that you are beautiful and loved. This can lead to a vicious cycle. In a relationship, both partners should feel loved, respected, and secure. 2. Now there can be numerous causes of these insecurities that eat up our relationship from inside and this is why it's very crucial to understand these causes of insecurities and put them behind up in order to have a happy and successful relationship.Here are some causes of insecurity in relationships.1. Ranging from jealousy to controlling behavior, relationship insecurity can manifest itself in many destructive ways. A nasty past experience of being in a relationship that was painful or led to heartbreak can be the reason behind your partner's insecurities.
They will keep doubting themselves and regretting that they are the way they are. Emotional baggage can pull people down because after all, it is the extra weight that a person has to carry. Most people feel a little insecure about their relationship at some point, especially in the early stages of dating and forming a commitment. We all feel insecure some or the other time and we cannot avoid that no matter how self-assured or confident we are.

Before you can know how to stop feeling insecure, you must understand why you feel insecure. Personal Life Fulfilment (or Lack Thereof) As two distinct individuals prior to finding each … Consuming jealousy. If your partner feels insecure, it’s because they haven’t dealt with whatever is putting them in a negative state . Some people value perfectionism in their lives. What causes insecurity in a relationship? If we notice that we are stifling our voice to keep our partner happy, we need to remind ourselves that doing so creates a relationship based on illusion. They will hardly come to terms and appreciate who they are and how they look. This causes them to compare themselves with their partner's exes or even question their partner for being with them.4. Stop thinking it is all about you. Insecurity is a major reason behind a number of breakups but every insecure person has a root cause of this insecurity that impacts their relationship in a negative manner.THESE are some causes of insecurity in a relationship.We're all confident about ourselves and secure but every now and then self-doubt just finds a way to creep into our lives and makes it difficult. Sometimes having low esteem can be the root cause of insecurities in a relationship. Relationship anxiety can show up in different ways. Insecurities are one of the fastest, most destructive ways to kill a relationship, and can potentially cause irreversible damage. There is a certain level of jealousy in a relationship that is considered … But if your insecurities are causing you to keep your partner at a distance, that can really negatively impact your relationship. Most people feel a little insecure about their relationship at some point, especially in the early stages of dating and forming a commitment.