See also,Therefore the literal translation of Hebrews 4:9 is, “,The fourth proof comes from the fact that New Testament Sabbath keeping is woven into the very fabric of the,Note that Paul was a Pharisee and hence a Jew and states “,Now note in the following verse that we find that this is a Jewish synagogue and remember that the Jews have without change, all through history worshipped on what we call Saturday as they still do today. Anything important that changed between the Old and New Testament has,I have also found that many Christians have the mind set that everything starts fresh in the New Testament but again, this could not be further from the truth. This following short study of the subject is intended to  show the New Testament perspective of the meaning and place of ‘The Sabbath’ in  every Christian’s life.The first thing we note at one quick glance into Strong’s Concordance is that  there are scores of references to the word ‘Sabbath’ in both Old and New  Testaments. Do you know the experience of this rest? But because of those who attack the,So for those truth seekers out there that truly love God with all their heart, here are four more proofs that the Sabbath exists after the cross in the New Covenant and is just as eternal as the other nine Commandments just as Jesus promised. The first part of the  above quotation is actually a quote itself from Psalm 95. Anyone feel like putting God to the test to see if He will accept these things today?We know Jesus kept the Sabbath as was His custom and even in His death. The point still remains that the Sabbath speaks of a spiritual principle as opposed to being forever a literal day of the week as we shall next consider.I feel almost disappointed that we should need to address this question after  we’ve just seen the glorious truth concerning His Sabbath. God wrote it in stone along with the other nine Commandments!There is an astonishing number of Christians teaching that the Sabbath has ended based on confusion between the,There is absolutely no doubt that the entire New Testament Church throughout the time in which the New Testament was being written, observed the Sabbath on the day we call Saturday. 5. 2. at least). Why of course, when He had  finished all His works: “I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.”  (John 17:4). So we see that all of these days were intended  in some way to mark something ‘special’.
Note what Jesus states in the very next verse:Some of the proponents trying to avoid this evidence insist this conversation between Jesus and His disciples only applied to the Jews. For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. If the proponent’s were correct, then Jesus is ONLY coming back for the Jews and the rest of us are going to be left behind.

The New Moon was just one of these added ordinances, so let’s just remember that it too was considered a ‘feast’, a ‘holy day’.We are not going to look at any of the other ‘feast’ days here individually but  I do need to draw our attention to seeing some very important principles that  relate to Old Testament feasts as a whole. The fact that the apostles continued to  attend Passover meals and suchlike is due to their being Israelites – nationally  speaking. This word occurs ten  times in this short space and it would seem that in the writer’s mind he is not  talking of just any kind of rest, he means ‘Sabbath rest’. In this particular instance it is not clear whether or not this  instruction is meant to be carried out in the context of a church gathering or  as individuals at home. Where is the scripture that says the Sabbath is no longer the Seventh day and all you have to do now is rest in Jesus? ).“I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of  a trumpet” (Rev 1:10).I barely know where to begin with this one. The following are just three of the many Bible references to the New Moon: 1 Chronicles 23:21, 2 Chronicles 2:4 2 Chronicles 8:13. But above this, if  we neglect to understand the spiritual meaning and implication of the Sabbath  and all Old Covenant truths we miss out on the ministry to our own souls, which  is the intention of God in giving us all these things.So far as our personal practices are concerned regarding what we eat and what we  drink and whether or not we wish to set apart a specific day or time to certain  things, we all have liberty. To say that any such  thing is a necessity to Christian life is to seriously misunderstand the whole  purpose of a New Covenant into which we are brought. While Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15 are very clear Commandments for Sabbath keeping in the Old Testament, Hebrews 4:9 is the clearest Commandment we have in the New Testament for keeping the Sabbath.