Read 2 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. This doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts but you do need to let him get to know you from the inside out.Talk about the now, the stuff that matters to you and you are on the right track for certain.Let him know your goals, hopes and dreams and opinions on things that are important to you and hopefully him as well.Now lets look at a few pointers that are a little less angelic when you’re focus is to make a man crazy over you.Experts report pet names will trigger a man to feel for you but if you want to push him over the edge, you just need to say his name.There is just something electrifying when he hears his name from your mouth. But, most women don't realize that they don't need to be Barbie lookalikes to get guys to go nuts over them that way.The truth of the matter is that most guys like women who aren't perfect.

If you embarrass him in public it can be a deal breaker. That just sucks!FACT – There are so many distractions in our high-tech world today that making sure one particular guy is paying attention to just you is anything but easy.Lucky for you, men are easy peasy when you think about it. Touchy-feely with the clothes on is a fantastic thing.Men are peculiar creatures and men really don’t want to know all the details of your life and they definitely don’t want to get caught up in the drama.This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share with him because you should but leave some of the nasty workplace drama out of the conversation please.Psychologically speaking, guys really don’t have the capacity to handle loads of details and that’s why they will rarely ,if ever ,give you a play-by-play of their life.Best Move – Keep the small talk to yourself and save the important or “bigger” stuff to share.Go to the end of the story in other words and your’e going to give him valid reason to go after you.Depending on how far you are in your “relationship,” it’s important to speak vividly about anything physical between the two of you.Well, it puts you front and center in his brain because men buy with their eyes first, never forget that.Men explore by nature and when you act somewhat mysterious, he will naturally be drawn to you. I miss you. Trust him when he says he is not ready for a relationship. That is not the truth. Confidence in the right amount is totally sexy. Have some fun trying out a few new perfume scents to see which one drives him wild. When you show them you can give them this break, you are tapping into their heart and they are going to go crazy over you.Just think about this one for a minute or two and apply.What this means is you need to put a little effort into your appearance if you want to attract men. When you reach into his pocket to grab his keys, you are using the power of the unexpected touch to get the juices flowing.When you do this, you’re stimulating the nerves and the anticipation of your touch creates a subconscious physical connection.It’s the little things that truly matter.You should always have your eyes open for moments where you can “accidentally” touch him or brush up against him. An excellent way to make men go crazy over you.When you show your confidence, you’re shouting out to the world that you are secure set to positively take on the world. Sometimes for whatever reason, it’s just not going to work and you need to walk away and say to yourself, “Next!”.Try not to put him up on a pedestal but don’t forget to lift him up too. This doesn't mean that you have to be way more sexual than you want to be, or that you have to be a Virgin Mary.The fact is that men fantasize about women on a sexual level, and different guys want different characteristics from women. There is overdoing in anything and everything if you aren’t careful.If the sweet gentleman you are with wants to take you to bed after your first meet and you don’t want that, just tell him for crying out loud!If he wants to take you out for Chinese and you prefer Thai, open your mouth and tell him so please.When you don’t, all you’re doing is creating miscommunication and this is going to get you nowhere fast.Also, when you aren’t afraid to tell him what you want, you are also showing him you are confident and secure in yourself and that’s just plain sexy no matter what angle you look at.You can never make a second good first impression no matter how hard you try.