It’s what we think is best. At the same time, if it was the perfect yoga board, it would be even wider like the.So while you can still paddle fast and cover some distance don’t expect it to be as fast as a proper touring board.Thanks so much! I love the design of the goplus and that it is 6″ thick and with the aquamarina I like that u can add a kayak seat but concerned about the 4″ thickness. Keep on enjoying the beautiful sport that SUPing is!I like how you guys review stuff, but if I was to choose a SUP board for long tours, which of the three will you suggest?For long tours I’d recommend you go with the Starboard. It’s a great cruiser and it supports plenty of weight so you can bring some gear. It’s possible the waves could be a bit choppy at times. I am 6′ (220 lbs.) We’ve been in contact with them though and are pretty confident that we will be able to review ULI boards this summer.Nice site and reviews! Not only does it fly, but it also holds you well. I love how thorough your video reviews are!I’m a first time buyer, and a smaller guy, about 5′ 5″ tall and these days around 165.

However, it’s put together nicely with hardly any bubbles or separation around seams. The only board available in Canada right now is of course the Thurso brand :). That is probably the smallest part of the purchase.If you removed the fishing option I’d go for the iRocker. From our testing the last several years we have yet to see a problem with either process and can fully recommend both.

The thurso is $800 and blackfin is $1000 for me up in the north with a ton of taxes to add.
Have you considered putting in a pre-order for the 11’6 nautical? I would opt for one or the other over the Sport.I would suggest the Isle Explorer and iRocker All-around are comparable.

With iRocker, you could go with the.Between the iRocker and Thurso, the iRocker boards and paddles are a little lighter and more maneuverable.

My dog, however, is a beginner and will likely move around a bit before he finds the right spot. I found the Tranquility to be a pleasure to ride and even handled pretty well for such a big board!All aboard! .Definitely, worth it!

Inexpensive and comes in rechargeable or 12v model.I read many articals about SUPs posted on your website and surprised by your insightful ideas of SUPs, we think you are professional SUP enthusiast. I can feel the difference in speed between the two but I’m not sure if that’s because I was looking for it or if it’s noticeable haha!

My husband wants a board too.
Maintenance is very simple, just rinse after use and use mild soap and water when it's time for an extra cleanup.All our products have gone through numerous analyses and tests before we finalize its material, shape and design. I want to buy boards that will fit our current level, but also boards that will serve us well as we get more accomplished. The side fins are glued. Check out the Red Sport if you want a great touring board. Thank you so much for your help!Great, let me know if you have any other questions!Helpful site(found thru Youtube). It kind of depends on who you talk to.

Buy on Amazon. Though this is just my opinion of looking at the facts not having ridden then side by side. In fact I think the iRocker or Isle would be a better choice.


Center US fin, side snap lock fins,Deluxe fin set included (8 fins, US Fin box / FCS side fins).Great backpack with 2 wheels and extra compartments for pump, fins, etc.Good backpack, extra compartments for fins, no wheels,Good backpack, 2 wheels and extra section for fins,Good backpack, extra zipper section for fins, +wheels,Mesh, open air backpack, no wheels or extra compartments for fins,Fantastic backpack with loads of extra spots for fins + three wheels,Fantastic backpack with loads of extra spots for fins + two wheels. The Red Paddle Co is rated up to 220lbs. You can literally load a family onto them, and you’ll be still floating. However, I don’t make a huge remark about the paddles as you can easily just upgrade a paddle.